Friday, January 19, 2007

Tex-Mex 007

Wow, what a weekend!! Got to meet a great bunch of folks and see some friends not seen except for on here. To the Kimchi's: You guys Rock!! I am honored to have been accepted into your kennel. I will get out your way and hash with y'all again. Gagger and Spotty: Great to see y'all again, I had such a blast. Brownie: We're both from PA what else can I say.

I do remember this: most of Thursday night, beer at breakfast Friday, the pubcrawl, 3 man, Rosa's, box o wine, Beirut, Irish Car-Bombs and a late night game of hurl. All of the rest of the weekend! Man, I gotta tell you...I partied like a rockstar on Friday and lived to see Saturday. Now that's a f*^kin' accomplishment! I'll try to get photos out Sunday as I am ever so behind here. After I get the photo's out I'll kind of be just lurking around for a few months until I get re-settled. Yes, I'm moving again.



At 22:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

howdy! from texas, tell roll on howdy , & again thanks for his help. ya'll should come to houston's 1500th celebration, or to texas interhash

At 08:37, Blogger The guy you never see said...

I'll pass the word on to him. TXIH is out for me but maybe Houston 1500

At 13:59, Blogger dayoldfish said...

looks like I missed out this year

At 23:32, Blogger Late Nite Drive Thru said...

did you ever send those pics out? I never saw them...


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