Thursday, November 15, 2007

What's with today's 20somethings?

What is this, the "Gimme Generation"? Why do the 20somethings think they are owed something? Why don't these lazy fuckers get out and work for a change. I've never in all my years seen such a bunch of lazy, nonworking, want everything, spoiled rotten, worthless individuals in my life. Work? What's that? Oh, it's not what I do at my job...I get to surf myspace and youtube there and pretend I'm doing something productive. I hope someone has the balls to institute the draft and send these spoiled baby-boomer brats off for a little taste of motivation and discipline. Pick a service, send 'em in for 2 years of mandatory fun and then see what they think and act like when they get back in the world. Betcha there'll be a big change in most.

Fucking baby-boomers spoiled their offspring rotten! You can see where the lack of discipline and motivation to work went...Just look at the draft dodging, pot smoking, free love, bleeding heart liberals who are afraid of getting old and won't give up the mantle to the rest of us hard working individuals who want to try and change the world before the fucking spoiled brats get there. Probably won't happen though. "Daddy" or "Mommy" got them a cushy cake walk job and they don't have to work, just take up space and continue to steal oxygen. Who needs an $80,000 SUV at 22? WTF? The kids didn't pay for it and don't know the value. Stupid little fuckers need to get their attitudes rearranged.

Here's the short of it... you bust your ass trying to make a difference and feed your family without sinking into the black hole of debt and the skinny little child next to you is living at home, probably making more than you, buying 80K trucks as toys, and refuses to get of his/her soon to be fat asses and do nothing more than surf the net looking for more toys to go buy. Like they think we're really interested. You end up carrying their ass so the customer won't get shafted and you fuck yourself up in the process. Now, you can't work like normal, got see the fucking doctor every week, pay MORE bills and now the little fucker is giving YOU shit because you can't lift something. Where's the justice? What I wouldn't give for 5 minutes with one of these slackers, it'd be worth the lawsuit to see them explain to their friends and family that that old, fat guy who wears glasses and is going bald fucked them up this bad. Now there's justice!

BTW, doc says I can't do shit for another 3 weeks...


At 22:01, Blogger Smut Mutt said...

And the planet of the apes chimps on. Push the blue button for food ya retards. Are they so feeble stoned & stupid to still not see the obvious. Yup.

America MUST upgrade by ending the deathmarch scourge of the self destruction of all substance abuse. We will never be the best that we can be & truly fight the terror enemy from outside as long as there is such imbecilic irresponsible slaughtering of each other within our own in the name of drinking, smoking, chewing, obesity, drugs, meth labs & the epidemic of all the well known constant self destruction via these insane fixable Americans destroying Americans horrors!! The Taliban & Al Queda laugh at our suicidal lifestyles!! We are doing their hellwork for them.

You're not the only one bloating today...

At 01:11, Blogger mike said...

Huh, Smut? I was just thinking that if parents actually ACTED as parents, it would solve so much. I also agree that there should be mandatory service of some kind when kids turn 18. Give them a taste of reality.

But, dude, that is the abstract of a Manifesto.


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